Presenters & Discussants
![Kathy Babiak, PhD](
Dr. Kathy Babiak is an Associate Professor in the Sport Management Department at the University of Michigan. She has published widely in the areas of strategy, organizational performance, and social innovation and entrepreneurship. Her main line of research focuses on the interorganizational partnerships sport organizations create (with a focus on strategic alliances, marketing, socially responsible, and philanthropic interactions). She has explored strategic factors motivating sport organizations to enter into partnership relationships with other organizations in the non-profit, government and private sectors. Her research also examines the interaction and exchange dynamics involved in managing a diverse network of partners, with the objective to understand what factors are perceived to contribute to more effective relations between organizations.
![Laurence Chalip, PhD](
Laurence Chalip is the Brightbill/Sapora Professor at the University of Illinois (Urbana-Champaign), where he serves as Head of the Department of Recreation, Sport and Tourism. He has held positions and consulted to sport organizations throughout the United States, and also in Australia, Canada, Europe, Korea, and New Zealand. He has co-authored or co-edited four books, four monographs, over a dozen book chapters, and over one hundred peer reviewed articles. His work has been recognized by awards from the North American Society for Sport Management, the Academy of Leisure Sciences, and the Sport Management Association of Australia and New Zealand.
![Lyndsay Hayhurst, PhD](
Dr. Lyndsay Hayhurst is an Assistant Professor in the School of Kinesiology and Health Science at York University in Toronto, Canada. Her research interests include sport for development and peace (SDP), gender-based violence and sexual and reproductive health in/through SDP, cultural studies of girlhood, postcolonial feminist theory, global governance, international relations and corporate social responsibility. She is a co-editor of Beyond Sport for Development and Peace: Transnational perspectives on theory, policy and practice, and her publications have appeared in Women’s Studies International Forum; Gender, Place & Culture; Third World Quarterly; and Sociology of Sport Journal. Her current research focuses on two projects: the first centers on the use of non-human objects and technologies in SDP – in particular, the bicycle – as possible catalysts for development. The second study investigates how the politics of privatized aid provided by the extractives sector shapes domestic sport-focused health and development interventions that target Indigenous youth in Canada and Australia. She has previously worked for the United Nations Development Program and Right to Play.
![Jennifer McGarry](
Dr. Jennifer McGarry has been a part of the Sport Management program at the University of Connecticut since January of 2002 after spending eight years as an athletic administrator and volleyball coach at Kenyon College in Ohio, including two years as athletic director. Dr. McGarry’s research line has focused primarily on barriers and supports for women and those from marginalized ethnic and socio-economic groups. Dr. McGarry is also the program founder and director of Husky Sport. Husky Sport has both a program and a research component. The program provides mentors (UCONN students) as planners of sessions at community sites in Hartford, CT that emphasize exposure and access to sport and physical activity, and advocate good nutrition and healthy lifestyles. Research has focused on individual level impacts of such a program on pre-adolescents and the reciprocal impact of involvement on the college student mentors. Additionally, current research is focused on the organizational or socio-cultural level impacts of campus-community partnerships.
![Nico Schulenkorf, PhD](
Dr. Nico Schulenkorf is Senior Lecturer for Sport Management at the University of Technology Sydney (UTS), Australia. His research focuses on the social, cultural and health-related outcomes of sport-for-development and event management projects. Since 2002, Dr. Schulenkorf has worked with local and international NGOs, Government Agencies, Sport Associations and Ministries in developing capacities to implement development projects in countries such as Sri Lanka, Israel/Palestine and the Pacific Islands. He has published his research in the leading sport management and sociology journals; his latest co-edited books are Global Sport-for-Development: Critical Perspectives (Palgrave, 2014), Managing Sport Development: An International Approach (Routledge, 2016) and Critical Issues in Global Sport Management (Routledge, 2017). He is also co-founder and editor of the Journal of Sport for Development.
![Emma Sherry, PhD](
Dr. Emma Sherry is an Associate Professor within the La Trobe University (Australia) Centre for Sport and Social Impact, specializing in the area of sport development. Her current research interests include community development through sport activities, undertaking a broad range of research projects with national and regional sport organizations in Australia and Oceania, including Netball Australia, National Rugby League, Australian Football League, International Cricket Council, Tennis Australia, and Hockey Victoria. Other recent research has included access and equity in sport participation, sport in correctional facilities, and sport and recreation for at-risk and marginalized communities. Dr. Sherry is co-editor for the Journal of Sport for Development and is on the editorial board of Communications and Sport Journal. She also sits as a director on the boards of Vicsport (elected) and Tennis Victoria (appointed).
![John Sugden, PhD](
Dr. John Sugden is Professor in the Sociology of Sport at the University of Brighton, UK, where he is a preeminent member of Brighton’s acclaimed Sport and Leisure Cultures critical research group. He is also Director of the University’s in-house NGO, the celebrated sport-based co-existence and conflict resolution program, Football 4 Peace (F4P). Articulated through the lens of critical sociology, Dr. Sugden has researched and written extensively in the area of sport and peace building in divided societies and is widely considered to be one of the subject area’s founding figures and leading authorities. Professor Sugden is also well known for his work on the sociology of boxing; and with his colleague Alan Tomlinson, for his tireless investigative work into malpractice in world football’s governing body FIFA, an extensive body of work which has made a significant contribution to the downfall of disgraced former FIFA President Sepp Blatter and his house of corruption. This work sits comfortably alongside Dr. Sugden’s distinctive under-cover investigative work into professional football’s underground economy.
![Jon Welty Peachey](
Dr. Jon Welty Peachey is Associate Professor in the Department of Recreation, Sport and Tourism at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. His research centers upon sport for development and social change. Specifically, he examines how program design and leadership are related to outcomes such as social inclusion, prejudice reduction, peace building and conflict resolution, social capital, and community development among children, youth, adults, and communities. He partners with a variety of local, national, and international sport-based non-profits to work with them on effective program design and outcome assessment. Dr. Welty Peachey has over 12 years of experience working in the international sport sector and in sport for development. A Research Fellow with the North American Society for Sport Management, Dr. Welty Peachey has published extensively on sport for development and leadership in key academic journals. He serves as Associate Editor of the Journal of Intercollegiate Sport and on the editorial boards of the Journal of Sport Management, Sport Management Review, Sport Management Education Journal, Journal of Applied Sport Management, Journal of Sport for Development, and Event Management Journal.
![Reginald J. Alston](
Dr. Reginald J. Alston is the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs in the College of Applied Health Sciences, and a Professor of Rehabilitation Sciences in the Department of Kinesiology and Community Health at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. His research focuses primarily on disparities in rehabilitation outcomes for ethnic minorities with disabilities, particularly African Americans. He has also investigated factors that influence entry into science, engineering, and math for persons with disabilities. Dr. Alston has published extensively in leading journals of rehabilitation, and he has successfully managed research projects as a PI, co-investigator, or coordinator with funding from NSF, NIH, and NIDRR. As evidence of his national reputation for scholarship, he received the James F. Garrett Award for a Distinguished Career in Rehabilitation Research from the American Rehabilitation Counseling Association in 2007. Dr. Alston is a former Editor of the Journal of Applied Rehabilitation Counseling and a former executive board member for the American Rehabilitation Counseling Association (ARCA) and the Council on Rehabilitation Education (CORE). In 2008-09, he worked on Capitol Hill in the Office of Senator Tom Harkin (D, Iowa) as a Robert Wood Johnson Health Policy Fellow studying disability policy.
![Chris Green](
Dr. Chris Green is a Professor of Recreation, Sport and Tourism at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Director of the Sport+Development Lab, and Past-President of the North American Society for Sport Management (NASSM). Her work examines the growth and development of sport programs and their relationship to the positive development of individuals and communities. She is a Research Fellow of NASSM, has served as Editor of Sport Management Review, and as Associate Editor for Journal of Sport Management and Sport & Tourism. She is currently co-editing a book series on Sport Development. Her work has been published in top journals in sport, leisure, and tourism, and has been funded in five countries. In addition, Dr. Green was recently awarded the Earle F. Zeigler Award from NASSM for her contributions to the sport management field.
![Douglas Hartmann](
Dr. Douglas Hartmann is a Professor of Sociology at the University of Minnesota. He is the author of Midnight Basketball: Race, Sports, and Neoliberal Social Policy (University of Chicago Press, 2016) and Race, Culture, and the Revolt of the Black Athlete: The 1968 Olympic Protests and Their Aftermath (Chicago, 2003). Dr. Hartmann’s work has also appeared in the American Sociological Review, Ethnic and Racial Studies, the Journal of Sport and Social Issues, and Social Problems, and his comments on sport, race, popular culture, and multiculturalism have been featured in a variety of media outlets nationwide. With Michael Messner, Dr. Hartmann edits the “Critical Issues in Sport and Society” series at Rutgers University Press. He is also co-editor and publisher of the award-winning website, past president of the Midwest Sociological Society, and one of the principle investigators of the Kids' Involvement and Diversity Study (KIDS) at the University of Minnesota.
![Alexis Lyras](
Dr. Alexis Lyras is on the faculty at the Tsukuba International Academy for Sport Studies (Japan), the academic arm of Sport for Tomorrow, a Tokyo 2020 Games Project. He is an International Olympic Committee scholar and is one of only a few scholars in the field whose Olympic Education, social change, conflict resolution, innovation and sustainable development research bridges theory and practice. He has initiated a number of field-based academic projects related to Olympism in Action, peacebuilding, social entrepreneurship, resilience and international development in local, regional and global communities. Currently, Dr. Lyras is working on establishing a Humanitarian Academic Ecosystem committed to institutionalizing Applied Olympic Education Programs across the globe. Dr. Lyras is the founder and President of Olympism For Humanity Alliance, Inc.
![John J. MacAloon](
Dr. John J. MacAloon is Professor of the Social Sciences at The University of Chicago. He is the author of This Great Symbol (2nd ed. Routledge, 2008), the classic account of the origins of the modern Olympic Movement and Olympic Games, subjects now of over four decades of Dr. MacAloon’s anthropological and historical research. His most recent publications are the book Bearing Light: Flame Relays and the Struggle for the Olympic Movement (Routledge 2013); a book chapter “The 1904 Chicago – St. Louis Transition and the Social Structuration of the American Olympic Movement” (Toronto, 2015); and the article “Agenda 2020 and the Olympic Movement” (Journal of Sport in Society, 2016). Professor MacAloon has advised numerous Olympic Games bid and organizing committees, National Olympic Committees, and the IOC, serving on the executive committee of the IOC 2000 Reform Commission. He holds the Olympic Order for his scholarly and diplomatic contributions to the Olympic Movement.
![Laura Misener](
Dr. Laura Misener is an Associate Professor in the School of Kinesiology at Western University, Canada. Her research focuses on how sport and events can be used as instruments of social change. Dr. Misener’s work critically examines numerous ways that sport events have been purported to positively influence community development, social infrastructure, social inclusion, and healthy lifestyles of community members. Dr. Misener’s current research program is focusing on the role of sport events for persons with a disability in influencing community accessibility and perceptions of disability. Her work on events and urban community development has been published in scholarly outlets such as Journal of Sport Management, Journal of Organization and Management, Managing Leisure, and Journal of Sport and Social Issues. She co-edited a special issue of Sport Management Review on Managing Disability Sport with Dr. Simon Darcy, and is currently an Associate Editor of Leisure Science.
Dr. Robert Pahre is Professor of Political Science, and Department Head, at the University of Illinois. His research and teaching interests focus on environmental politics, especially the politics of US national parks, and the political economy of the European Union. His books include Creative Marginality: Innovation in Social Sciences (Westview, with Mattei Dogan); Leading Questions: How Hegemony Affects the International Political Economy (Michigan); Democratic Foreign Policy Making (editor, Palgrave); Politics and Trade Cooperation in the Nineteenth Century (Cambridge). He has won college and campus teaching awards for his summer courses on the politics of national parks, taught in the Greater Yellowstone Area and in Colorado and Utah.